Music in Haverhill
Haverhill's music scene is flourishing with new talent across many genres. Each year the Haverhill Rock Competition attracts bands from all over the region. Listed below are details of bands, solo artists, clubs and other music related sites. All of which are based in and around Haverhill.
  The Quarantine krew produce top techno and progressive dance tunes. Visit their web site at www.quarantine.0catch.comand download a couple of their MP3 tracks - you won't be dissapointed.
Trashmere (aka Zak Justin) produce electronic pop and dance tunes. Many of their tracks can be downloaded from uk.mp3.comor visit their web site at
Pure Energy
Pure Energy - Haverhill based dance music. Have done little work recently but they still have a full MIDI recording studio. If other bands in the area would like to make use of the equipment, please contact us. Web Site :
Haverhill Rock Competition
The annual band competition is one of the highlights of Haverhill's events calendar. There are three heats in April, each featuring four bands from the Haverhill area battling it out on stage. Prizes on offer include cash, studio time and a gig at the Arts Centre.
For more information contact Nick Keeble Sponsored by Haverhill Town Council