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Conmen play a cruel trick on pensioners

By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 21st February 2002.

Conmen have twice targeted elderly people in their homes by pretending to be Good Samaritans chasing thieves.

The burglars raided the homes, telling the residents, when challenged, that they had seen two men running away from the property.

Police believe that, on both occasions, this was just a cover story for the conmen's own activities.

The first incident was at the home of a 90-year-old woman in Hamlet Road, Haverhill, between 7pm and 7.30pm on Friday, February 8.

Two men went into the house while the woman was watching television.

They told the woman her front door was wide open and they had just chased two lads down the road.

After they left, she realised a search had been made of other rooms in her home and found that a quantity of cash had been stolen.

The two men are described as white, between 30 and 40 and around 5ft 10in. One was wearing dark clothing and the other fawn. One had dark hair and one blond.

The second incident was at the home of a 74-year-old woman in Priory Avenue, Haverhill, between 8pm and 8.15pm on the same night.

The woman was watching television when she heard a noise and found a man in her back garden.

When she challenged him, the man said her front door had been wide open and he had seen two men running off.

After he left, she found a search had been made of her home but nothing was taken.

The man is described as 20 to 30 years, with short dark hair, slim build and a moustache.

A police spokesman urged people to make sure doors and windows at their homes were kept locked.

He also asked people to report all incidents of this kind, even if nothing is stolen.

Anyone who has any information about either incident should contact Suffolk Police on (01284) 774100.

Related Article: Police tips to reduce artifice burglaries

Haverhill Weekly News

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