
January 2001
A lot of time taken up this month by the future
plans for the town hall arts
centre, and issues around the growth of Haverhill.
8th Volunteer Centre Management Committee
8th Public Meeting about Town Hall Arts Centre - 200 people attending
protest against the cuts by St. Edmundsbury.
9th Haverhill Council Finance and General Purposes Committee.
10th Meeting with St. Edmundsbury and Suffolk County Council about future
growth of Haverhill.
16th St. Edmundsbury Personnel Committee. Main issue is annual staff
turnover is now 17%.
17th St. Edmundsbury Leisure Committee. Looking at options for a leisure
trust and safety of play areas.
20th Haverhill Lions Presidents Dinner.
22nd Schools Library Service Best Value Panel. Looking at how to provide
most effective service to schools. This follows a visit to Haringey.
25th St. Edmundsbury Development and Finance Committee. Including increasing
grant for Haverhill CAB and HAVO.
29th Leisure Services Best Value.
30th Full Meeting of Suffolk County Council.
31st Full Meeting of Haverhill Town Council including public forum.
February 2001
Problems with housing department, roads and open space.
4th Haverhill Partnership. Meeting of representative of many statutory
voluntary organisations working in Haverhill.
5th Volunteer Centre management committee.
8th Meeting with secretary of Cangle Fields Residents Association to look
latest plans for the old orchard.
14th St. Edmundsbury Policy and Resources Committee. Dealing with council
tax increase, electoral review (giving Haverhill more councillors) and
social impact study on future needs for Haverhill as growth takes place.
15th Annual meeting of Cambridge Fans United. A supporters trust.
27th Full St. Edmundsbury Including Haverhill northern by-pass and future
growth of the town.
March 2001
Paid county council locality grant to St. John's Ambulance, Busy Bees
Playgroup, and Enterprise 2000
6th Full Meeting of Suffolk County Council
7th County council and borough council joint meeting on growth of Haverhill,
in Newmarket.
8th Leisure working party. On new leisure trust investigations
13th Informal advisory group on Haverhill retail expansion
14th More on Leisure Trust
19th Meeting of local charity trust
20th Access and Community Involvement panel of county council .
21st St. Edmundsbury Leisure Services Committee.
23rd Meet with Enterprise 2000 group over entrances to town
30th Democracy Day at Clements School
30th Evening. County Chairs Reception.
27th Full Haverhill Town Council including Public Forum
April 2001
Also dealing with housing costs, support for young people, training issues
in Haverhill and unadopted land.
2nd Haverhill partnership. Social issues study, Anglian Water on
improvements to works
6th Visit to Stepping Stones playgroup
10th Full County Council
11th Visit to Horace Eves sheltered housing
11th St. Eds Policy and Resources Committee
24th Full St. Eds
25th Haverhill Town Meeting
27th Present cheques to Lamp H
May 2001
Dealing with room hire problem for local group. Also election period started
towards end of month.
4th Visit Lamp H
4th Visit Cangle for talk with manager
8th Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee
17th St. Eds AGM and Mayor Making
17th Full county council on future plan for Suffolk.
18th St. Eds Reception for outgoing Chief Executive
24th Hopefully last meeting with St. Eds about arts centre future. Agreement
looks close.
29th Full Town Council and Mayor Making. New Mayor installed.
31st Meeting with officers about future retail possibilities.
