The Haverhill Pyramid of Schools
The schools in our pyramid, Primary, Middle and Upper, work together as a team for your child. Our family of schools offers you a secure happy and successful education from nursery to nineteen.
Each school is different although every school believes in high standards of behaviour, dress, discipline and work. Teaching and learning is purposeful: all our schools are fully committed to individual and community success: there is a buzz, an enthusiasm, which comes from our high expectations.
We enjoy relatively high levels of resourcing and educational services of exceptional quality from Suffolk; these are two reasons why no Suffolk schools have so far chosen to ‘opt out’.
We serve a mixed rural and urban area with carefully planned coach routes linking your home to school if you live in a village. Nine year old pupils transfer to one of four Middle Schools which offer specialist training facilities and specialist teaching. At 13+ pupils start Upper School where the majority go on to join the Haverhill Sixth Form at the end of Year II.
 You are never far from one of our schools. Come and talk to us about the education we provide. The key person to contact is the Headteacher.
At whatever age your child starts with us, we will be pleased to help you: talk to us about our pyramid’s National Curriculum teaching, the care we take when a pupil transfers from one school to another, and our school resources.
You will rightly expect the best from us just as we will hope for your support. By working together as a member of the Haverhill pyramid team you play a vital part in your child’s growing up from infant to adult.
Primary Schools |
1 |
Burton End CP, School Lane, Haverhill |
01440 702376 |
2 |
Cangle CP, Chapple Drive, Haverhill |
01440 702143 |
3 |
Clare CP, Erbury Place, Clare |
01787 277423 |
4 |
Clements CP, Clarendon Road, Haverhill |
01440 702946 |
5 |
Coupals Primary School, Chalkstone Way, Haverhill |
01440 763933 |
6 |
Hundon CP, North Street, Hundon |
01440 786217 |
7 |
Kedington CP, Church Walk, Kedington |
01440 702787 |
8 |
Place Farm CP, Camps Road, Haverhill |
01440 702836 |
9 |
St Felix RCVP, School Lane, Haverhill |
01440 703775 |
10 |
Thurlow CEVCP, Little Thurlow, Haverhill |
01440 783281 |
11 |
Westfied CP, Manor Road, Haverhill |
01440 761697 |
12 |
Wickhambrook CP, Wickhambrook |
01440 820309 |
Middle Schools |
13 |
Castle Hill CM, School Lane , Haverhill |
01440 702716 |
14 |
Chalkstone CM, Millfields Way, Haverhill |
01440 703088 |
15 |
Clare CM, Cavendish Road, Clare |
01787 277308 |
16 |
Parkway CM, Park Road, Haverhill |
01440 704599 |
Upper Schools |
17 |
Castle Manor CU, Eastern Avenue, Haverhill |
01440 705501 |
18 |
Samuel Ward CU, Chalkstone Way, Haverhill |
01440 761511 |

OUR AIMS We aim to provide an environment in which children will receive a sound academic education and good pastoral care to enable them individually to achieve the best possible standards thus laying firm foundations for their future progress through the education system.
WORKING TOGETHER All the schools work as a co-operative group to ensure the most effective use of resources within the area for the children we serve. To this end many activities for teachers and children from different schools are shared.
These are some of the shared activities: Workshop sessions for music, games, etc. Shared visits from authors, musicians theatre companies and Road Safety Groups.
Carol Services Leavers concerts Headteachers Liaison meetings Teacher training sessions Meetings for teachers with common interests eg Mathematics Early Years Governor training sessions
Successful education in our area depends on:- close co-operation between parents, teachers and Governors within individual schools, close liaison between schools, and two-way support between schools and the local community.
Each school has a distinctive character. However, all the schools follow the national Curriculum and every child will experience teaching in the following subjects : -
Mathematics English Science ICT (Information and Communication Technology) History Geography Art Music Physical Education Religious Education
Its is also considered important that emphasis be placed on social and personal development; this includes the development of good work attitudes and acceptable behaviour.
Most schools like to enrol children as soon as possible after their third birthday as this allows for the planning of future staffing and ensures that nursery forms are received in plenty of time.
This document has been created on behalf of the Suffolk County Council Education Department by Pure Energy Entertainments for inclusion as part of the Haverhill-UK web site. |