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Memories of Haverhill - Mark Worsley

(Email Dated 14/04/2001)
Fragmented Childhood Memories
Haverhill will always hold a very special place in my memories. Although only a resident of the town for a few years until 1980 when my family moved to Canada, the few memories I have remaining of the UK are of Haverhill.

Our family lived at 11 Beaumont Court, I can remember looking out of our kitchen window at what my father called the "big blue monstrosity", some type of equipment in the nearby industrial estate. I have fond memories of walking for what seemed miles ( by the somewhat exaggerated standards of childhood) along the railway tracks carried by the Sturmer Bridge, picking blackberries along the way and playing in the disused station a little way away.

I attended Place Farm CP. Despite having been only 9 years old when I left the country, I have memories of two teachers. Mr. Edmunds; from what I remember, a kind man. Miss or Mrs. Bridewell was the headmistress at the time and a name I remember mostly because of a card she once gave me as a reward for a poem I had written, a card which I still retain. I can recall gathering before school at Anne of Cleaves house each day, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ghost that everyone was so often telling tales of.

I also have memories of what must have been Queen Elizabeths Silver Jubilee at Castle Manor CU (I believe) , where I learned to play the Violin, and subsequently had my first recital. These are the fragmented memories of the life of a nine year old boy living in Haverhill, memories I will treasure and hopefully revive to a more vivid level of detail if I can ever find the chance to come back and relive a little of my childhood.

Thank you for this opportunity.

Mark Worsley Tecumseh, Ontario Canada.

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