School Photos - Haverhill Secondary School - 1958
 Below is a panoramic photo of the entire school population from Haverhill Secondary School in 1958. The original photo is over a metre long! Are you in the photo? If so, why not sign the guestbook below.
Please note that the image is just over 1Mb in size, so it will take several minutes to download fully.
Haverhill Secondary School - 1958
Are YOU in the photograph ?
If so, why not sign the guestbook. Simply click on the image on the left to view and sign the guest book.
A message from Ben Farrant ...
" donated a copy of my 1958 school photograph to the Haverhill-UK web site for several reasons. I will try to explain, as briefly as I possibly can, what I consider are a couple of the more important reasons.
Firstly is that back in 1958 these panoramic photo's were considered quite expensive. Parents I think quite wrongly now on hindsight, thought it was the better option to spend their money on individual photo's of their offspring rather than the grouped one's.
Secondly is a more personal reason maybe, you see when I sit and look at this photograph which I sometimes do. I can see all of my schoolmates, as I look into their faces it brings back memories, mostly happy one's like little chapters out of my personal life's history.
I am sure that there are a lot of you out there, which are in this photograph that feel the same way that I do. So I hope that this photograph will bring back a lot of happy memories for you all, as it has for me.
Lastly as I look at my photograph, I see faces on it that sadly are no longer with us but the names and the reasons for their demise I am not prepared to go into. There are a lot of faces in that picture that I know, are still living locally and I'm sure we will see their names in the guest book very soon. The people I am hoping will respond to my photo are the people that have moved away Haverhill for many reasons and are now in various places throughout the world. One of the reasons that spring to my mind is that back in the sixties their were a lot of American Air Bases around this area and some of the girls in that photo got married to American Airmen, and moved back to the USA.
Anyway for what ever reason you Haverhill people out there, (wherever you are living) download this picture. I sincerely hope you get as much pleasure out of it, as I have."
Ben Farrant Haverhill