Haverhill Healthcheck Report, January 2004
For information regarding the Haverhill Healthcheck Report for January 2004 please view the two PDF documents to the right of this text.They are in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF), the viewer for which is available free of charge by clicking the link below. Just click on the relevant PDF to view in your browser. To save the file to your computer, right-click on the relevant issue and select 'Save Target As'  |
 (406KB) Haverhill Healthcheck Report January 2004
 (1.18MB) Appendices to Haverhill Healthcheck Report January 2004 | |
Haverhill Healthcheck
- Does Haverhill, its rural hinterland and the villages which have links to the town have a future?
- Do you have constructive views which could contribute to a better Haverhill?
- Are you interested in getting more involved in shaping a plan of action for Haverhill's future?
If you answered yes to just one of the above questions then read on, because between June and November this year, you have a chance to influence Haverhill's future!
Is Haverhill in good health to face the future
The Market Towns Initiative, launched by the Government in 2001, and now being conducted in Haverhill, provides the town with a great opportunity to:
- Bring residents of the town and surrounding countryside together
- Involve all ages and sections of our community
- Identify our communities Strengths and Weaknesses
- Listen to what people have to say
- Allow people to get actively involved in developing plans for Haverhill's future
Haverhill Healthcheck Progress
The first stage of the Heathcheck process is to get people involved, find out their views, opinions and ideas.
This research is currently underway in Haverhill and is being done in a variety of different ways: |
Interviews and Questionnaires
People are being interviewed on the streets of Haverhill and its surrounding hinterland - the reason you're reading this is possibly as a result of just such an interview!
These interviews are intended to find out what people's true views are about a broad range of issues which affect their lives.
Self-complete questionnaires have gone into Haverhill's Middle, Upper and Independent Schools for children of 11 years and upwards to complete.
Amongst other things, these will identify how the young people of Haverhill spend their time and how they use the town. |
Business Views
Questionnaires will shortly be provided to local businesses as well, inviting them to develop a picture of their feelings concerning issues related to trading, employment, and links with the community, etc.
As Haverhill's ever expanding business community plays such an important role within the town, your views will be a vital source of information needed for making the Haverhill Healthcheck a success. |
Local Groups
Local groups, associations, clubs, etc., being identified who might wish to get involved or have a view. Indeed, you might be a member of one which you feel should be involved, if so, let us know. |
Haverhill Health Check Flyer
The Haverhill Healthcheck is designed to get people from the town and surrounding areas involved in identifying what is needed over the next 10-15 years to make this a better place in which to live and work...... read more or download flyer
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