Young seek aid for skatepark project
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 1st November 2001.

A planning application is to be submitted for a site off Howe Road, Haverhill, and it is hoped to have the area in use within a year.
Around 50 young people have been pressing for a skate and BMX course to be provided in the town. It is estimated it will cost around £36,000 to build.
Haverhill Town Council has been helping the group to work on the idea and engineering student James Smith, 17, drew up the plans.
At the moment young people ride bikes and skateboards at the back of the Market Square because they have nowhere else to go.
James said: "There is nothing else in Haverhill for us to do and lots of other places have skate parks, so we started trying to get one here."
He added: "We are going to apply for planning permission. It has taken a while and some people thought it was never going to happen but now that we have got the plans drawn up we are trying to get everyone involved.
"We are going for something permanent that will get more people involved. It will be fenced off and we will designate someone to run it and keep it tidy."
The group needs sponsors and would like to hear from any other people who have ideas about what they would like to see provided and anyone who can help with fund-raising.
The group can be contacted through Nick Keeble, Haverhill Town Council's leisure manager, on (01440) 761196.
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