Young People Having Their Say in Haverhill
Sunday, 6th January 2008.

On-line questionnaires for each of the schools currently being reviewed have been available since the end of November for all young people to complete. The questionnaires ask young people to give their views on what they enjoy about school currently and what they might like to see change in the future.
Three different versions of the questionnaire are available. There are versions for primary and secondary schools to complete as well as one for young people in education after the age of 16. The different versions allow appropriate questions to be asked depending on the young person's age.
Patricia O'Brien portfolio holder for children, schools and young people's services said: "It is vital that all young people have the opportunity to have their say as part of this consultation process. This review is centred on improving educational standards and opportunities for all children and young people in Suffolk."
She continued: "The views of all those young people who respond will help inform the decision-making process, along with the views of parents, teachers and other members of the community"
Schools have been asked to help young people have their say by allowing them to complete a questionnaire as part of their PSHE lesson or at another relevant time. However, the questionnaires are available via the county council's website and can be completed at any time.
Young people who live in the Haverhill or Lowestoft area but attend a school in another part of the county or a neighbouring county can also complete a questionnaire. The website explains how they can do this.
Any young person wanting to complete a questionnaire should visit, click on the link for their area and then the link for their school. See link below.
Public consultation finishes on Friday 18th January 2008.
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