Young gun takes over
Thursday, 27th April 2000.

Paul Donno,31, an accountant from Great Yeldham, was presented with the Youngest Members’s Tankard just before taking over from out-going chairman Paul Stephens.
Two new members were inducted, Chris West and Graham Murfitt, both from Haverhill.
Mr West is now in charge of fundraising and Mr Murfitt has become treasurer.
The theme of the annual meeting was keeping down costs to encourage new and younger membership.
Mark Ramsey, of Clare, is the new vicechairman and Gerry Taylor, of Haverhill, secretary.
Barry Dalton, Kevin Ager, Paul Stephens and Graham Bashford take on programme, sports, social, press and area duties.
Mr Donno said the group hoped to organise a Millennium Fun Run on June 26, and continue its pensioners’ party and Christmas fundraising.
Auyone interested in joining can ring Mr Donno on (01787) 238305
Picture : Paul Donno
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