WoMenta Announces Four Events for Women in Business
Monday, 22nd September 2008.

WoMenta has been providing women focused business support in Bury St Edmunds for two years now, as a division of Menta, the not-for-profit Enterprise Agency
From Wednesday 24 September to Friday 26 September, they are arranging a whole series of events.
·Live Your Dream – Sponsored by Lloyds TSB
Wednesday 24 September 9:30 – 2:30
Menta Business Centre, Eastern Way, Bury St Edmunds
FREE 1 Day Motivational Workshop (including lunch) for Women thinking of starting a business, or new to the world of business
WoMenta speed Networking Event- Sponsored by Knights Lowe and Bury Business Support
Thursday 25 September 9:30 – 11:00
The Self Centre, Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds
FREE. This event is run by a highly motivational and dynamic trainer, Thirza Dixon. She will whiz you through the experience of networking at speed (think speed dating but without the associated pressures) and has the added bonus of being free!
·Live Your Dream –
Thursday 25 September 9:30 – 2:30 Menta Business Centre, Hollands Road, Haverhill
FREE 1 Day Motivational Workshops (including lunch) for Women thinking of starting a business, or new to the world of business
·Stepping Out Business Club Friday 26 September
The Angel Hotel, Bury St Edmunds
12:00 – 2:00 (or longer if you want to hang around). Sponsored by Foxhall Solutions Ltd
This marks the launch of our new Ladies Business group, Stepping out, which will meet monthly at The Angel Hotel. An opportunity to mix with and meet many local businesswomen, enjoy a delicious lunch and learn a thing or two. No membership needed, but booking is essential.
The cost is only £20 inc VAT.
Rosanne Kilbourn, who runs WoMenta, said: “We have found over the last two years that women in business are very ready to help and support each other – and this new lunch will provide another opportunity for us to help them do just that.”
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