Wheelchair car service is now up and running
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 16th November 2000.

The new Wheels Within Wheels project has just been launched in the town with the arrival of the Citroen Despatch vehicle, which is larger than a conventional car but smaller than a minibus. Based in Haverhill, it is also available to nearby villages and small towns.
Lesley Silk, who already runs the Age Concern Dial a Ride service in Haverhill, is co-ordinating the new service as well.
"I think it is a great resource to have here and will certainly supplement the Dial a Ride service. I am putting my head on the block to get it here and I think there is a demand for it, and there certainly will be if we let people know about it.
"The idea is to have the same volunteer drivers to drive people, but also if there is a member of the family who can drive it then they can borrow it themselves."
The scheme is an extension of Suffolk County Council's community transport initiative and was set up with a £300,000 Rural Bus Challenge award.
The Haverhill Community Transport Group is providing garaging for the vehicle and Pentlow Hawke Close is now kindly providing parking space for the Age Concern vehicle.
More volunteer drivers and escorts and needed for both services and anyone interested in using them or helping should ring (01440) 712028.
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