West Suffolk Marks World Environment Day
Monday, 4th June 2007.

The event is being held to mark World Environment Day. Free low-energy light bulbs are being given away locally from the council offices in Haverhill. In exchange, people will be asked to sign a personal CO2 reduction pledge, and will be entered in a free prize draw for the chance to win a wind-up, solar powered radio and a copy of Al Gore’s DVD, An Inconvenient Truth. Giant balloons will illustrate the CO2 equivalents of everyday activities.
A one metre diameter balloon holds the equivalent of 1 kilo of carbon dioxide. Each one of us is responsible for 9000 kilos of the gas every year through the way we live. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas linked to climate change. Accepting the 60% Challenge means saving 5,400 kilos.
For example:
1] Switching from a conventional light bulb to a low energy light bulb will save around 29 kilos of carbon dioxide each year.
2] A TV left on standby will be responsible for 30 kilos of CO2 a year
3] Every time you use a dishwasher you use enough electricity to release nearly one kilo of CO2
4] Every time you use a tumble dryer you use enough electricity to emit 1.5 kg of CO2
Council representatives will also sign a memorandum of understanding on the CRed Suffolk partnership. CRed stands for Carbon Reduction and this county wide partnership provides information and advice to help identify easy, everyday energy savings, as well as how to adapt to a changing climate through a helpline and website and other ways.
Contact CRed Suffolk helpline 0800 0288938 or via the web link below.
Web Link: http://www.cred-uk.org
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