Warning For Pet Owners After Cat Shot With Gun
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 22nd September 2005.

His owner, Nicola Hughes had no idea what had happened when the tabby cat came home distressed and bleeding. She rushed him to the vet's where a .22 pellet was removed from his stomach.
Four and a half hours of surgery was needed to save his life as the pellet had gone through his stomach, pancreas and spleen.
He then developed peritonitis and had to have another major operation. Four-year-old Louie is now recovering at home with a tube connected to his stomach, but Nicola is not sure how he will cope after having his spleen removed.
Ms Hughes, of Downs Place, Haverhill, said she wanted to warn other cat owners of the danger their pets could face.
"It is just disgusting. He is very lucky to be alive," she said. "The vet said he must have been shot at point blank range to cause him to be injured so badly. It was not accidental, someone had done it deliberately. fortunately he is insured as the bill would have been £4,000 and counting.
We have all got cats round here and everyone is pretty horrified by this. Other people need to keep an eye on their cats. It is Lucky Louis came home or that would have been it really."
The incident is believed to have happened at around 2pm on Sunday, September 11. Police would like to hear froma nyone who witnessed any suspicious activity in the area at the time or anyone who has information to assist police with their enquiries.
Anyone who has any information relating to this matter should call Fiona McMillan on (01284)774100 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.
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