Volunteers needed to save annual show
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 18th October 2001.

The show committee’s chairman, Chris Hammond, stepped down at last week’s AGM after 15 years on the committee including five as chairman. His son Barney has also left the committee.
Duncan Batty agreed to take over as acting chairman, with Tony Cotton continuing as treasurer, having served on the committee for 21 years, and Ann Field continuing as secretary. Only three more committee members remain.
Mr Hammond presented a £2,000 cheque from proceeds of this year’s show to Dr Batty, who is also chairman of LAMPH, the local group for children and adults with disabilities. The figure was higher than at first expected, but still lower than previous shows at the Little Wratting showground.
This year’s show was moved to the Recreation Ground, because of the foot and mouth crisis. It was very well attended and well received, but did not raise as much money for the charity because no entry charge could be made.
Mr Hammond said: “I think after all the worries we had around show day and immediately afterwards, it is actually quite a good result. But without sponsorship we did not make much more than £1,000 and it is an awful lot of work for £1,000. I wish you well with it, but I cannot see how you can mn it without more bodies.”
Graham Haffield said the show was a lot of hard work, compared to something like the wheelbarrow race, which took little organisation and raised £650, doubled to £1,300 by Barclays Bank.
He said: “I think it would be a loss to the town if the show went though, apart from the steam rally it is the only show we have.”
Will Halliday said he felt it was vital to attract more people on the committee and to help on the day. He said: “If we don’t get more people I cannot see us being able to do it.”
Dr Batty suggested they could use the town’s website to appeal for more help.
“Half a dozen people on the day would make all the difference,” said Dr Batty. “We can organise it, but we need more muscle. The day was excellent this year, but we were still there at 10pm clearing up.”
The committee plans to approach the Haverhill Volunteer Centre for help and is inviting anyone else who is interested to go along to their next meeting on Tuesday, November 20, at William Blake Court in Cambridge Close at 730pm. Or they can ring Dr Batty on (01440) 707317 or Ann Field on 712287.
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