Volunteers needed!
By Advertisement feature on Wednesday, 24th February 2010.

We need volunteers to help in our Haverhill shop on a Saturday between 9.15am-12.45pm or 12.45pm-16.00pm, or on a Monday morning between 9.15am–12.45pm.
Volunteering for St Nicholas Hospice Care can not only be rewarding, but can also be great fun and a good way to meet new people. Plus, by helping in our shops, you have the added bonus of getting first viewings on all the donations to be able to grab yourself a bargain!
Research has even proven that volunteering can not only provide social benefits, but individual health benefits as well, leading to greater life satisfaction. It improves physical and mental health, offers a personal sense of purpose and accomplishment, can reduce disease risk and lower rates of depression. So by helping us, you will also be helping you!
If you’re interested and can spare a few hours each week to help, please contact Jayne on 01787 374110 or Peter on 01440 702333, or call into the Hospice Shop on High Street. Or go to our website on www.stnicholashospice.org.uk.
St Nicholas Hospice Care is a local charity which provides care and support to people in West Suffolk and Thetford with life-limiting and terminal illness. This care is not just for patients, but for their family and friends too. The Hospice provides absolutely all of its services free of charge and has to raise £10,000 per day just to keep running, and relies on the generosity of the local community for this.
Be part of something special.
Without the support of volunteers St Nicholas Hospice Care wouldn’t be able to do what we do.
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