Volunteers conjure up a flowery bank
Wednesday, 11th November 2009.

The steep new bank created beside the new Tesco site was planted with 400 of the spring favourites on Tuesday afternoon by volunteers from the community organisation.
These will spread over the next few years to create a spring meadow a little different from the usual daffodils.
Haverhill In Bloom , which has now been in existence for five years, is responsible for much of the greening of the town, providing town centre baskets, the annual open gardens, the business in bloom competition, working with schools and many other projects.
Group treasurer Valerie Morton said: "The changes in the town can be complemented by plantings and we welcome new members with ideas or who can help with projects.
"We have just finished planting 16,000 spring bulbs, with the help of a mechanical planter and borough council staff, around the Gateway roundabout and other locations.
"We are very grateful to everyone who supports the cause through the regular fund raising gardeners' markets we hold."
The project is supported by Haverhill Town Council, Suffolk County Council, St Edmundsbury Borough Council and others.
* Our picture shows three of the volunteers who went along to help on Tuesday (left to right) Claire Bowden, the Tesco community champion, Valerie Morton of Haverhill In Bloom and Haverhill county councillor Tim Marks.
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