Visitors flock to new £16.5million venue in Bury
Monday, 11th October 2010.

Visitors to the venue - called the apex - were extremely impressed by the flexibility of the auditorium space and its moveable floor which can be configured to support a wide variety of events.
Venues director Tony Doherty said: "The atrium area was also a big hit with the public – being light and airy with views over the arc shopping centre square. The space will be open daily in order that the local community can enjoy a coffee, glass of wine or beer in a relaxed atmosphere."
Visitors were treated to a selection of musical entertainment throughout the weekend, enabling them to experience the acoustics and delivering a taste of what is to come with the programme of events lined up from now until the end of the year.
BurySOUND was the first event at the apex – with over 300 young people attending the first heat. Hot on its heels was the monthly Fat Cat Comedy Club on Sunday which attracted 435 people.
The next event at the venue is ProGBury – the weekend Prog Rock Festival with a line-up including Focus, Martin Turner’s Wishbone Ash, Curved Air, ReGenesis, Mostly Autumn and Suffolk band The Future Kings of England.
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