Very important waiter at Christmas Day lunch
Saturday, 26th December 2009.

The Salvation Army volunteers prepared Christmas lunch for over 40 people who were either homeless or would otherwise have been alone on Christmas Day.
Haverhill police came along to help and brought with the them the constabulary's top man, who happened to be visiting the town's police station as they set off.
Simon Ash said he tried to get round to visit a number of police stations in the county on Christmas morning and arrived in Haverhill just in time to help out.
"I'm just passing through for half an hour really," he said, "but this looks like a very good community event."
He had time to assist in serving out the main course of roast turkey and all the trimmings before heading off to another station.
Before and after lunch people were able to take part in games, quizzes and entertainment.
* Our picture shows the Haverhill police officers who helped out, joined by Chief Constable Simon Ash (far right).
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