Unique Chance to See Groundbreaking Film
Tuesday, 17th October 2006.

The critically acclaimed Al Gore movie An Inconvenient Truth will be shown at the Cineworld multiplex in Bury St Edmunds at a special event organised by St Edmundsbury. The film, which looks at research into global warming carried out by the former US vice president, has won praise because of its passionate and thought-provoking approach to a subject which has far-reaching environmental, social and economic consequences.
Borough Mayor Cllr Frank Warby will host the screening at the Cineworld complex on Parkway at 8pm on Monday, 30 October. The event will be attended by representatives of key organisations within the community including businesses, schools, town and parish councils and voluntary organisations as part of the council’s commitment to raising awareness and tackling climate change.
Cllr Warby said:
"We have arranged this event in direct response to a request from members of our Youth Forum who, having seen the film’s premiere at BAFTA in London, felt that as many people as possible in St Edmundsbury should see and hear its important message. Hosting this event therefore gives me great satisfaction as climate change is something we should all take seriously and simply cannot afford to ignore. The issue is one which we all face and I hope this screening will raise awareness of the problem within our community for the sake of our young people and future generations.”
A total of 20 pairs of free tickets for this exclusive screening of this must-see film are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you and your partner would be interested in attending, please contact Amanda Eitzen on 01284 757040.
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