Tristan gets the go-ahead
By Jo Deeks on Monday, 26th June 2000.

Ten-year-old Tristan Hyman, of Cornish Tall End, near Haverhill, can hardly wait to have his leg in plaster, now that enough cash Has been raised to pay for the operation on his eg. The latest generous gesture of a £100 cheque, sent to Tristan's mother Jo via our sister paper the Cambridge Evening News, has taken the total raised since February to over £4,000.
Now Tristan is just waiting for a date for the operation to correct his foot, which is turning Fitness instructor Kim Moss of Haverhill Leisure Centre got the fundraising ball rolling when she heard that Tristan had been waiting 18 months for the operation and could wait as long again.
She ran the London Marathon to raise £2,200 and more than £1,000 came in from other donations. Kim met Tristan when he visited the centre and was struck by how cheerful the youngster was despite pain from his foot and the difficulty he had in walking, as well as learning difficulties. Mother Jo Hyman said Tristan was still shrugging off his problems, although he was in increased pain and still has to be carried to bed at night.
She asked the Cambridge Evening News to thank everyone for their generosity, especially the Dobbs family, who sent their cheque with a note wishing Tristan well with his operation and hoping he would soon be playing football again.
"It is lovely. This will take us over the £4,000. I am very surprised that the money has been raised so quickly.
"The money just seems to have poured in from everywhere since he has been in the papers.
"The surgeon has been off sick but is expected to be back at work within weeks so, hopefully, it won't be too much longer.
"Tristan is really looking forward to it, even to having a plaster on his leg.
"The foot is turning more and more and he can't get away with wearing anything but proper shoes, which has meant his feet get very hot", Mrs Hyman said.
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