Triple switch-on lights up the town
Thursday, 3rd December 2009.

The main lights came on thanks to a 'secret switch-on' by competition winner Gracie Lewis, organised by Haverhill Town Council, which is responsible for the town's Christmas illuminations.
This year Tesco donated £3,000 towards the Christmas lights and there was a separate switch-on at the Christmas tree near their store, carried oit by Haverhill town mayor Cllr Elaine McManus, town centre manager Tina Hanks and the store's manager Adrian Jones and community champion Claire Bowden.
The third switch-on was on the market square by St Nicholas Hospice, who held tjheir Light Up A Life service in the Methodist Church before processing to the square.
The lights there were already on, so they were switched off while a list of names of people who had died in 2009 was read out before they were officially switched on again.
Students from Samuel Ward College of Arts and Technology provided music for the service.
* Our picture shows the Tesco switch-on with, left to right, Claire Bowden, Cllr Elaine McManus, Adrian Jones and Ti8na Hanks.
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