Tributes flow as “great character” Ted dies
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 14th March 2002.

Stalwart of Haverhill Life ... Ted Basham, who died aged 90
Mr Basham took a great interest in the community. He was a founder member of the Haverhill and District Local History Group and his remarkable memory was a valuable source of information for the organisation.
After leaving school at 15, Mr Basham started work as a cutter at the Gurteens clothing factory in Haverhill, where he continued to work for 50 years. He was married to Dorothy, known as Doll, until her death in 1985.
He launched an unsuccessful campaign for Haverhill’s Market Square to be re-named Diana Square, following the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. He was a great admirer of the princess, who died on the anniversary of his wife’s death.
He was also a prize-winning gardener, a former Haverhill Rovers goalkeeper and a darts player. His great-nephew, Melvin Brown, said Mr Basham was a remarkable man who would be greatly missed.
“He could not remember what he did yesterday, but he could remember the names of people he had stayed with on holidays in Blackpool or Rhyl years ago.
“He was an out-and-out hoarder. We found 40 biscuit tins in his house, all empty. He had all his seeds there ready to put in this year. He was a great character and I would love to see a Street in the town named after him,” Mr Brown said.
Gerry Kiernan, a borough, county and town councillor, also described Mr Basham as a great character, and one whose knowledge of Haverhill would be sadly missed. He thought it might be possible that a street could be named after him.
“I would often get stopped by him for a long conversation but it was always very interesting.
“He knew a lot about Haverhill’s history and could remember a lot of interesting stuff,” Coun Kiernan said.
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