Townswomen's Guild Boosts Hospice Funds
Thursday, 12th October 2006.

Town mayor Ann Thomas visited the Bury St Edmunds-based hospice, with members of the guilds handicraft section who made the quilt for the draw last Friday and drew the winning ticket of Mrs Kim Gregory, of Augustus Close, Haverhill - daughter-in-law of organiser Marion Gregory.
Members of the group completed the quilt this year and decided to use it to make money for the local hospice. They have been selling tickets at various events since June, and went to St Nicholas Hospice on the eve of World Hospice Day for the draw to be made.
After a tour of the hospice, the group saw the draw.
"We are enormously grateful to the Haverhill Townswomens Guild. They have put in a tremendous amount of work, firstly to make this wonderful quilt, then to sell £1,000 of raffle tickets." said hospice community fundraiser Ian Norris.
"The money that has been raised helps St Nicholas Hospice to care for so many local people. This work is only possible with the support of kind-hearted folk like Mrs Gregory and her group."
After presenting a cheque for £1,002 to St Nicholas Hospice nursing sister Carry Beecroft, the Guild members were presented with a certificate of achievement by the hospice.
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