Town special wins award for liaising with pubs
Thursday, 21st October 2010.

Around 85 serving Specials and a dozen retired Specials from West Suffolk joined together to celebrate their achievements over the past 12 months.
The Specials were joined by Assistant Chief Constable Stewart Gull, Special Constabulary Chief Officer Paul Goldsmith, and Superintendent Terry Byford, who reviewed the year’s work and
presented awards to officers from the Special Constabulary who have displayed outstanding dedication and commitment in sometimes challenging circumstances.
Awards were presented for outstanding commitment to the Special Constabulary across six areas of West Suffolk, as well as for outstanding probationer, supervisor and overall Special officer.
The Mick Robinson Achievement Shield for the Haverhill area was won by Special Constable David Howse.
SC Howse has taken on the Safer Neighbourhood Team responsibility for licensing in Haverhill and visits all licensed premises to ensure they are keeping up with their conditions. He is commended for his work building good relationships with local publicans and the Pubwatch group.
Special Superintendent for West Suffolk Dean Knight said: “I am proud to see the excellent work West Suffolk’s Specials carry out reflected in the awards presented.
"All the Specials put in a great deal of time and effort, fitting their duties around their jobs, family and other commitments, and their dedication is unwavering even during this difficult period for many.
"Working alongside our regular colleagues, the Special Constabulary officers are called upon to carry out a wide range of duties, and have helped keep crime levels down and feelings of safety high.”
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