Town mayor to serve second term
Wednesday, 26th May 2010.

Normally the council elects the previous deputy mayor as the new mayor each year, but on this occasion Cllr Mrs McManus' deputy had been her husband, Cllr Paul McManus, who was unable to continue due to work commitments.
The council elected Cllr Les Ager as deputy mayor for the coming year. Cllr Ager served as deputy in 2007 but after a month the then mayor Cllr Ted Trebble suffered a stroke and Cllr Ager had to fulfil the mayor's functions.
After that, he served another year as mayor in his own right, before Cllr Mrs McManus took over last year.
The mayor presented town council grant cheques to eight organisations at the annual town public meeting which preceded the town council meeting.
These were: Haverhill Red Cross, Haverhill Volunteer Centre, Haverhill Performing Arts, Haverhill Silver Band, Haverhill U3A, Haverhill Art Group, the local Christian group fighting poverty REACH, and Haverhill's mini Voluntary and Statutory Partnership (VASP), which brings together agencies involved with mental health care in the area.
The mayor also presented cheques of money raised for her own chosen charities, Haverhill Volunteer Centre and Headstart 4 Babies.
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