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Town hit by series of mountain bike thefts

Monday, 15th August 2011.

Police in Haverhill are appealing for help in stemming a flood of thefts of bicycles, particularly BMX and mountain bikes.

At least ten have been stolen in the last three weeks, and police think there may have been other incidents not reported to them yet.

The bikes are being stolen from 'anywhere and everywhere', Acting Sgt Will Wright said, including gardens, sheds, outside shops and outside homes.

The signature theft has been of a very distinctive and well-known Mongoose bike from a mother of four, Nikki Dinkley, who lives on the Parkway estate.

The bike disappeared from the back garden of her house while she and her family were away, about a week ago.

She is a mountain bike enthusiast, but also loaned the bike to youngsters to go down to the skate park and other areas in the town, so it is well known to many people.

Worth about £400, it is a limited edition model in excellent condition and is described as dark blue, with red handlebars, a transfer of a naked woman on the frame, and a brown seat with the lettering 'Mongoose' in cream.

The bike has been seen being ridden in the town since it was stolen, so A/Sgt Wright believes it is still in Haverhill.

"I have carried through all my inquiries and they have led to nowhere, but I believe someone knows something," he said.

He appealed to anyone with any information, or hwo has seen the bike, to contact him on 01284 774100, or to contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

He also appealed to bike-owners to lock up their bikes when they leave them anywhere. The police will mark a bike with their UV pens if it is taken to the police station, or they have a marking session you can attend at the B&Q launch on Saturday, August 27.

He also asked anyone who has had a bike stolen and not bothered to report it to get in touch, as it would help police gain a 'real picture' of the extent of the thefts.

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