Top temp wins place in finals
Thursday, 22nd August 2002.

Maria received the award from Haverhill-based Solutions in Recruitment, which recruited her for a temporary poet at International Flavours and Fragrances of Duddery Hill, Haverhill.
Solutions in Recruitment conducted its Top Temporary Worker campaign, asking firms to nominate temporary workers who completed assignments between January and June this year.
Maria will be entered into the National Temporary Workers Award, organised by the Recruitment and Employment Federation. This will be judged in October, with the winner receiving an all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas. Susanne Branch, Customer Services Manager at IFF, nominated Maria for the award and will receive a meal for two courtesy of SIR.
Maria’s whole demeanour was positive. She was extremely quick to pick up new tasks including IT skills, and she had a willingness to learn. Maria is just the kind of parson I would recruit for permanent roles when they become available, Ms Branch said. Barbara Lavender from Libra Scales Company of Linton, who nominated last years winner, judged this years entries.
The standard of entries was extremely high. I was pleased to identify Maria, based on her nomination report which showed her complete flexibility to the tasks assigned to her while on this assignment, Ms Lavender said.
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