Time for reflection
By Martin Chapman on Thursday, 22nd February 2001.
AS the school closes for half-term we reflect on the past week when the A-level drama group showed their devised performances winch were powerful, moving and challenging to an audience of Year 11 and sixth form students.
Year 11 were visited by David Hart, of the Haverhill Echo. a number of police and fire officers as well as social workers who explained what their Jobs entailed and who would be suited to the Job. They also provided interview tips.
A number of students who plan to go to West Suffolk College next year visited the college on Thursday.
Year 11 were visited by David Hart, of the Haverhill Echo. a number of police and fire officers as well as social workers who explained what their Jobs entailed and who would be suited to the Job. They also provided interview tips.
A number of students who plan to go to West Suffolk College next year visited the college on Thursday.
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