Terrified teenager attacked by man - Knife-wielding robber strikes
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 25th November 1999.

The 18-year-old was grabbed round the neck and dragged into the churchyard near St Mary's church off the High Street in Haverhill earlier this month.
The robber, who had an accomplice, held the knife towards the teenager and demanded he hand over his money.
When he handed over £20, the victim was released and ran away.
Police spokesman Pc Roger Depper said the youth had been uninjured, but was deeply frightened by the ordeal.
He said: "It could have been a lot more serious.
"We would anyone who recognises the E-fit to come forward immediately."
The incident happened on Thursday, November 4, at 4.55pm.
The attacker is described as male, white, 30-40 years old, with long brown hair tied back in a pony tail, stubble on his face and a slight goatee beard.
Any witnesses or anyone with information should contact Pc Tim Murgatroyd on (01284) 774100 or Crimestoppers on (0800) 555111.
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