Teenager aims for Talent show place
Tuesday, 15th December 2009.

Jade joined hundreds of other hopefuls in taking the first step towards realising their dream when she sang before one of the show’s producers at the London auditions in Islington.
After an early start to get to London before 9am Jade and her family had to wait for a couple of hours before it was her turn to make an impression.
With around 50 people performing before her Jade did not let nerves get in the way of having fun with the other competitors and she put on an impromptu performance of Amy Winehouse’s hit Valerie for fellow contestants.
In her audition, 15-year-old Jade, a pupil at Gosfield School near Halstead, performed the Palamo Faith song Upside Down without any musical accompaniment.
“It was fantastic,” explains Jade. “I just love performing. Ever since I can remember I have been happy to sing, dance and act in front of an audience, it feels as though that’s what I am meant to do with my life!
"When you watch X Factor or Britain’s Got Talent, or any other talent show on TV, the contestants always say it’s their dream to be a famous artist and it’s what they have always wanted to do – so it starts to sound a bit boring. The thing is it’s probably true for most of them. I know it is for me – it’s my dream to be famous and to get paid for what I love doing.”
Jade is hoping that she did enough in the audition to get noticed and secure her place in the next round, although she will have to wait until January to find out.
Her father, local accountant Paul Donno of Paul Donno & Co Ltd, said: “We are happy to support Jade in trying to achieve her ambitions. She does realise how tough the competition is – Jade was contestant number 41,714 – so it’s not a foregone conclusion that she will make it to the next stages!
"I think the producers are looking for talented performers but they are also looking for people who will make for good television. Jade is hoping that she will tick both boxes. I am not quite sure who she inherited her liking for the limelight from!”
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