Team on track to help youngsters and families
Monday, 9th September 2002.

The On Track project is based at a shop in Strasbourg Square and last Wednesday opened its doors to anyone interested in the work taking place. The On Track team has been recruited from various agencies involved with families, offering a wide range of knowledge and experience.
Its objective is to support families and build up community resources to give every child the help they need during difficult periods such as starting or changing school. The emphasis is on helping children early, when problems arise, to reduce the risk of long-term difficulties.
Sally O'Leary, the project manager, said they had been working with schools, Haverhill Town Council and other agencies to set up breakfast clubs, after school clubs and programmes like Dinosaur School, which gets very young children off to a good start when they begin school.
"We've also helped to run activities during half-terms and holidays and provided support to parents. The response has been fantastic and over 200 families have taken part.
"There is still plenty of time to really make a difference and the team is keen to work with families to make sure all children in Haverhill have the opportunity and support they need to achieve their potential," Ms O'Leary said.
On Track works with children aged four to 13 years and their families.
For more information ring (01440) 760924.
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