Teachers swot up on IT as pupils relive the war years
Thursday, 17th May 2001.

The course, which ran over four terms, involved out-of-school study, and covered all aspects of computing and the internet.
All members of staff at Clements County Primary School, Clarendon Road, took part in the course, and were recently awarded certificates.
The New Opportunities Fund ICT training course is government funded, and staff from a research development institution, MPowernet, were responsible for training.
Olwen Powell, headteacher at the school, said: "It will benefit the teachers, but ultimately they will be passing on their expertise to the children."
All members of staff, along with three teachers and a classroom assistant from Hundon School who joined in the course, had to produce a portfolio of work as part of the assessment.
PUPILS at the school also went back in time to learn about events during the Second World War.
Year 4 pupils were visited by a outreach worker Emma Howlett, from Duxford's Imperial War Museum, who took along a number of artefacts to illustrate her talk on evacuees.
Suitcases containing items evacuees took with them, gas masks and old photographs were brought out, along with old clothes and uniforms.
The visit was aimed at reinforcing the work the pupils are doing about the war, and will be followed up by a trip to the museum later in the year.
The museum's outreach pro-gramme is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, and educational visits are made by an outreach worker to schools within a 100-mile radius of Duxford.
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