Super slimmer shows it can be done - twice!
Monday, 29th November 2010.

Christy Haddock had become a leader last year but then became pregnant and returns after maternity leave in January, having had to return to all the hard work to get back in shape after having her son Jake in June.
"I enjoy walking my dog, going for long walks with the pushchair and waking round shopping -which are all free to do," she said.
Christy is 26 and lives in Bramble Close and is looking forward to showing others how they can do what she has done.
"I’d put on some weight gradually in my teens and found myself at university weighing in at 14st 8lbs and having a reality check on how I felt about myself," she said.
"I was fed up with feeling so unfit and decided to join the local Weight Watchers group, where I was one of the youngest members but was offered support and friendship from the leader and other members.
"Despite sharing a house with five other girls and having a great social life, I stayed focused on losing weight and within ten months I had lost an amazing 4st 8lbs. I was eating sensibly, didn’t feel hungry and had so much more energy.
"I continued going to Weight Watchers to help maintain my weight and in 2009 I became a Weight Watchers leader running eight meetings.
"Just as I was getting used to being 9st 7lbs I became pregnant in November, and put on around three stone and felt huge again!
"My son is now nearly five months old and I have only got about half a stone to go to get back to my goal weight.
"So it is possible to be a slim mum after having a fat tum."
In January she will be taking three classes in Haverhill: Wednesday 10-11am at Mount Pleasant Club; Thursday 10-11am Chalkstone Community Centre (a new class); Friday 5.45-6.45pm at Haverhill Leisure Centre.
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