Sun draws out potential tennis players
Monday, 11th April 2011.

The fine weather helped to make the open day arranged to mark the opening a great success.
Club secretary Steve Williams said the club was hoping to boost its current membership of about 140, and was very pleased at the turnout.
The official opening was performed by Mike Watling, chairman of Suffolk Lawn Tennis association, with Haverhill town mayor Cllr Elaine McManus in attendance.
After the cutting of the ribbon Cllr McManus took up a racket and had a hit or two herself.
The club's new courts, opened in 2004 in Ehringshausen Way, were without a clubhouse to begin with, with members using a container for storage, but having nowhere to get out of the rain or give hospitality to visting teams, or even go to the toilet.
In 2009 the club put together enough money to build a brick shell and now the inside has been fitted out thanks to a grant from Havebury Housing Partnership's community fund.
The new clubhouse is modest in size but contaions a meeting area, a kitchen, a changing room and a disabled toilet.
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