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Suffolk Police support Safer Internet Day

Tuesday, 9th February 2016.

Suffolk and Norfolk Constabularies are supporting Safer Internet Day which takes place on Tuesday 9 February and is organised by the Safer Internet Centre. http://www.saferinternet.org.uk/ #SID2016 @UK_SIC

This annual event highlights the positive uses of technology and promotes the role that everybody can play in helping to create a safer, better online community.

Everybody can get involved in the #shareaheart social media campaign to help inspire kindness online and help raise awareness about the issue of online hate.

The day is an opportunity to highlight areas of concern such as cybercrime, online grooming, cyber bullying, online hate crime, sexting and the challenges that these present to parents, carers, young people, social services, schools, businesses and the police.

Steve Mattin Detective Superintendent of the Joint Cyber & Serious Crime Directorate said
"With the exponential rise of digital technology and the internet, new and difficult challenges have presented themselves to parents and carers raising children in this new age. The UK Safer Internet day on the 9th February highlights the ever increasing need to not only raise awareness of what our children are doing online, but to encourage open and honest dialogue about the dangers that they face”

Assistant Chief Constable Rachel Kearton said
"Use of digital technology should be a force for good in the world so I welcome this opportunity to remind parents and young people to follow the updated advice and stay safe online. I fully support the valuable work that Safer Internet Day does in bringing many partners together to ensure that the message is heard and acted upon in our communities.”

"The progression of our digital strategy is a key part of our modernisation as we re-design policing to suit the demands of today. As we harness technology to make us more efficient and more accessible, it is also essential that we continue to raise awareness of the importance of online and cyber safety."

Tim Passmore, Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner said "I really appreciate the focus that Safer Internet Day brings to this relatively new issue that affects us all. This campaign highlights the dangers that the internet can pose and I fully support it.

"Keeping our children safe from the potential evils of the internet is a responsibility for us all and is absolutely critical. We need to work together to help create a safer, better online community.

"The internet has many positive and I can’t image life without internet access but we also need to be aware of the dangers. Cybercrime has increased exponentially and this has been a real challenge for the Constabulary, but it is a challenge we are aware of and we’re investing in to keep our communities safe.”

For more detailed information and online safety advice go to





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