Suffolk Art Society Summer Exhibition at Castle Hedingham
Monday, 26th May 2008.

A wide spectrum of subjects and styles will give everyone something to enjoy, from popular local scenes to more exotic landscapes; skilfully executed animal and botanical studies, portraits, figure studies and still life.
Standard of work remains high and the membership has several internationally well-known artists.
The Society has a selling policy for purchasers to take their pictures away with them directly they have paid. The artist concerned is asked to replace the picture with a new one. This always keeps the exhibition fresh, alive and vibrant with no gaps. This also avoids people rushing in at the end of the exhibition to collect their purchases. In the middle weekend there will be an Open Gardens event in the village
The Society is non-profit-making and it donates substantial sums of money to charities, in this case, St Nicholas Church
Admission is free and visitors will be assured of a warm welcome.
Times are Saturday 7th June to Sunday 22nd June 10am to 5pm daily.
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