String quartet wins church's first arts festival
Monday, 14th June 2010.

As well as the range of stalls outside and in the meeting area, selling items to raise money for the church, visitors enjoyed the sounds of young people airing their musical talent in front of a panel of judges.
They were vying for the Richard Hart Junior Performing Arts Trophy, and there were two age categories, under 12s and 12-16s.
Winners of the older age group were the string quartet from Samuel Ward College of Arts and Technology, Steven Huckfield, Lewis Tingey, Rosemary Start and Bartie Schirm.
They played Trumpet Tune, by Purcell, There's A Place For Us, by Bernstein, and an arrangement of the traditional tune English Country Gardens.
The under 12s was won by ten-year-old Flora Davison singing Somewhere Over The Rainbow.
All entrants received rosettes and at the end of the competition Richard Hart, the church's director of music, presented the trophies to the winners.
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