Strasbourg Square property closed under ASBO order
Wednesday, 20th April 2011.

A temporary closure notice was served at 4 Strasbourg Square on d April 3, and yesterday afternoon, Bury St Edmunds magistrates granted a full closure.
The home, which is owned by Havebury Housing Partnership, will be closed for three months, with the order prohibiting anyone from entering or remaining on the premises.
The order was applied for following persistent anti-social behaviour associated with the property over the past 11 months.
Sgt Sarah Bartley of the Haverhill Safer Neighbourhood Team explained the problems police have had to deal with.
She said: “We have received a large volume of complaints about disturbances, noise and nuisance coming from this address, with 18 calls in the past three months and 20 further calls since June last year.
"A severe demand has been put on Haverhill officers attending all these calls which usually have required an emergency response. Examples of calls we have had are large fights, reports of under-age drinking, noise and parties and solvent abuse.”
On Thursday, March 10, police executed a warrant at an address in Strasbourg Square and a quantity of drugs was seized. A 28-year-old man from Haverhill was arrested on suspicion of possession of amphetamines and received a caution.
Police, Havebury Housing who own the property and St Edmundsbury Borough Council have been working together to address the issues.
Despite this work the problems have persisted, so the Safer Neighbourhood Team made the application for a closure order to try and improve the situation for good.
A borough council spokesman said: “We take issues of persistent anti-social behaviour very seriously and support this action. It is important for members of our community to feel safe and enjoy a good quality of life, free from this kind of nuisance and criminal behaviour.”
Havebury's chief executive, Karen Mayhew, added: "Havebury will not tolerate anti-social behaviour and will always respond robustly to any reports we receive and work closely with Suffolk police where appropriate.
"We will support legal action to protect our residents from the inconsiderate behaviour of a minority and hope that this case will act as a warning to others that this type of behaviour is not acceptable."
Sgt Bartley said: “The order is positive in two ways – it demonstrates to the local community that police and partners are taking their complaints seriously and want to help, but also shows the perpetrators of anti-social behaviour that even if that behaviour is displayed within your own home, we will take action for the good of the wider community. No one should have to put up with such behaviour where they live.
“I would like to thank the residents and businesses of Strasbourg Square for their co-operation and assistance with this order.
"We will continue to work with them and our partner agencies to ensure the area returns to being a pleasant place to live and work.”
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