Standing room only at Hallellujah concert
Wednesday, 9th December 2009.

The audience applauded renditions of fun classics like Twelve Days of Christmas, sat silently through lullabies and sang heartily along with the carols.
As promised, the group gave the audience a chance to join the choir as part of the BBC’s national Sing Hallelujah campaign.
Over half the audience took up this opportunity, swelling the choir into the pews as they joined either to sing or to listen while Hallelujah was performed!
Hallelujah also presented an opportunity to raise money for Children in Need and a total of £119.62 was raised on the night.
Haverhill Choral Society would like to thank Nigel Brown for accompanying on the organ and a highly polished brass quintet which entertained with medleys of festive tunes.
Anyone interested in joining the choir is welcome at their new rehearsal venue, Samuel Ward Arts and Technology College studio, on Monday nights from January 4, 7.25pm. No audition necessary, all past or curious singers welcome!
* Haverhill Choral Society is pictured with its musical director Jane Wright (far right).
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