St Nicholas Hospice Stroll - Haverhill
Wednesday, 4th April 2007.

Organisers are hoping that the whole family will get involved, from babies to grannies - including the family dog!
Haverhill Area Organiser for St Nicholas Hospice, Ian Norris is asking for people of all ages to get involved. "This really is a very gentle stroll", said Ian, "Even I can do it!"
"Last year we had a really good turnout, and everyone who came along said that they had enjoyed the walk and the chance to think about someone that they had lost. Not all of those were loved ones who had died at the Hospice; it was much more a memorial walk to honour a special memory."
"This year we want even more people to take part, and bring along the dog - they will love a Sunday morning walk in the Park".
St Nicholas Hospice cares for people with life-limiting illnesses, and their families, all over West Suffolk. Many are cared for and supported in their own home. Currently some 60 families are being helped in the Haverhill area, with many more being assisted by the Family Support and Day Hospice teams from St Nicholas.
The Haverhill Hospice Stroll is once again being very generously sponsored by Herbert Retail Ltd, and supported by the Haverhill Echo.
Registration forms for the Stroll are available from the St Nicholas Hospice shop in the High Street, the Haverhill Echo and Haverhill Arts Centre.
For more information telephone Ian Norris on 01284 715555 or email see below...
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