Speed med starved of ball
Thursday, 15th September 1994.

This was duly achieved and the result went Haverhill's way, with a score line that did not reflect their domination of the game.
Having allowed Brightlingsea into the lead Haverhill took the bit between their teeth. Rosenwood took a fine two handed catch and drove through the line out. His pass allowed Spencer to dive in at the corner to score. The conversion was missed and Haverhill led 5-3 at half-time.
After a quiet start Paul Ryan celebrated his return to the Club with some sound defensive work and a fine opportunist try. Ian Hope converted and went on the add a penalty.
At 15-3 Haverhill thought the game was over but Brightlinsea had other ideas. A passage of open flowing play resulted in a converted try for the visitors narrowing the gap to 15-10.
This woke up the home team and they played the final ten minutes in the visitors' half. The final score came from Fred Green, a typically storming run around the back of P Vine left two tacklers in his wake as he scored by the posts.
A further conversion by Hope made the final score 22-10 and Haverhill look forward to the draw for the next round.
Haverhill play Beccles at home in the league this week. Players should meet at the Club no later than 2pm and ring 63555 if unavailable. Spencer, Anderson, Green, Rodwell, Rosenwook, Lamb, Blyth, Marper, Carr, Hope, Brown, Parry, Anderson, Farrow,k Godsall. Replacements - Straight.
Haverhill 2nd also play Beccles at home and meet at 1.45pm. Anyone interested in playing rugby should contact Tony on 63555.
Postal Staff want to stay public servce
Postal workers at Haverhill have launched a campaign against government propsals to break up and privatise parts of the Post Office.
Members of the Haverhill section of the Unioun of Communications Workers will be handing out leaflets in villages and outside Haverhill's main Post Office. They also plan an event in the High Street to highlight their campaign.
Local union representative Stephen Horobin told fellow members at Haverhill that a recent Sunday Mirror . ICM survey showed 71 per cent of voters were totally opposed to government proposals.
"It was clearly not wanted, the public wishes this great public institution to remain a public service," he said.
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