Spectacular show ends the century - Lasers light millenium
By Dan Grimmer on Thursday, 6th January 2000.

Thousands thronged into the Market Square to enjoy the colourful celebrations laid on by the town council.
Two laser light shows illuminated the skies above the town to greet the dawn of the 21st Century.
Families enjoyed a short show at 7pm and the main laser lights fired at 10.45pm.
The spectacular show took the form of an imaginary radio scanning through the century and picking out moments which changed the world.
Key events such as Winston Churchill's rallying cry in the Second World War, Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon and England's triumph over West Germany in the 1966 World Cup were broadcast while lasers marked the date.
Music ranging from The Beatles through to present day pop pin-up Robbie Williams added to the party atmosphere.
A Millennium countdown was projected by lasers and on the stroke of midnight "Haverhill 2000" was spelled out in the sky while the square filled with smoke.
Dancing continued in the square after midnight as revellers celebrated the New Year.
Nick Keeble, leisure worker at Haverhill Town Council, co-ordinated the festivities and was delighted with the evening.
He said: "We had a magnificent response. It is hard to estimate how many people were there but there must have been around a thousand for each show.
"It was a very good night and it was really great to see so many people enjoying themselves in a good natured way."
Mr Keeble added it was nice to prove wrong the doubters who said the Millennium celebrations would be a damp squib.
PICTURE CAPTION: New Millennium . . . Nicola Hastings, five, and Russell Hastings, 11, see in the new year at Haverhill
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