Singer to tour country to raise cash for medical research
By Beth Hale on Thursday, 24th February 2000.

Singer songwriter Kirsten Gundersen will be performing in Cambridge this weekend before visiting venues around the country to raise cash for charity.
The 17-year-old former Saffron Walden County High School student decided to make her debut tour in aid of the National Meningitis Trust after the death of fellow-student Simon Hilton from the illness last year.
And the young singer from Kedington, who has suffered from asthma since childhood, will also be raising funds for the National Asthma Campaign.
"The fund-raising is a really important part of the tour," said Kirsten. "Simon was a classmate. I went into that class late and didn't know many people but I saw the effect of his death.
"It's such an unfair illness. The day before he was absolutely fine. I looked at everyone and thought it could be any one of us because we are all the same age."
Kirsten has spoken to Simon's mother and hopes she will go to the Grafton Centre gig where she will perform a self-penned song that she also sang at Simon's memorial service.
The talented teenager, who is produced by Paul Roberts, lead singer of The Stranglers, has already made a half-time appearance in front of 20,000 people at Ipswich Town Football Club.
And she will follow her Cambridge gig with appearances at schools and colleges throughout the region before performing at The Bull Ring in Birmingham and Manchester City Football Club towards the end of March.
"This tour is the big one," said Kirsten. "Performing at Ipswich was like jumping in at the deep end, but it was fantastic."
She will perform two sets at the Grafton Centre on Saturday, at 12.30pm and at 2.30pm.
For further details about Kirsten Gundersen and her tour dates visit her web by clicking on the 'Web Link' above.
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