Silver surfers get webwise
Thursday, 18th May 2000.

Frank Bradsell, 79, chairman of the Haverhill and District Pensioners' Association, and town and borough coucillor Larry Kiernan, 69, have both been given one-to-one Internet sessions by Lesley Mason, a community education officer for Haverhill.
Now Madeline Tuck, acting manager of Haverhill Library, is teaming up with Ms Mason to offer more Silver Surf sessions to older people.
Brandon King, from the library service, will come to Haverhill as an "Internet Slave" to help run the sessions, with a pilot scheme due to start in June.
Mr Bradsell was the first to try his hand at surfing the net after pressing for more older people to be given the chance to do so.
"There are a lot of older people who want to be brought up to date with modern technology. We don't want to be experts, just to understand what is going on and learn the basics," Mr Bradsell said.
Anyone interested in taking part should ring (01440) 707035.
(Picture caption: Internet Interest...pictured at the Haverhill Library Internet classes are Assistant manager Madeline Tuck, Coun Larry Kiernan, seated, and Frank Bradsell.)
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