Show venue to be decided soon
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 29th November 2001.

The future of the event was in doubt because so few volunteers were left to run it, but after a committee meeting, last week it was agreed the show would go on.
A Haverhill Show has been held for more than 20 years and is the main fund-raiser for LAMPH, the Haverhill-based group for adults and children with learning difficulties.
Duncan Betty, who tool over as acting chairman when Chris Hammond stepped down after 15 years in the role, said it was a very positive meeting.
“A couple of more people turned up and we were very pleased with that, although we could do with some more, as always. We are looking forward to next year and we have got quite a few ideas we are looking into.
“It was very good on the Recreation Ground and everyone enjoyed themselves, but we are also investigating the showground. We only moved this year because of the foot and mouth crisis. The showground is our traditional home. We will be looking at whether it is possible and what the pros and cons are,” Dr Batty said.
The committee would welcome any feedback from people about where the show should be held and what they would like to say.
This year’s show on the Recreation Ground was very well attended, but raised less money for charity because no admission charge could be made.
A final decision on the venue for the show will be made at the next meeting at William Blake Court, Haverhill, on Tuesday December 11, at 7:30 pm.
More committee members and helpers on the day are also needed and are welcome to attend or contact Dr Batty on 01440 707317 or Ann Field 721287.
CAPTION: Fun being enjoyed at this years Haverhill show, on the Recreation ground.
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