Shopkeeper fined for selling alcohol to someone under-age
Saturday, 23rd January 2010.
A Haverhill retailer has been ordered to pay £2,600 following the sale of a bottle of WKD Blue to someone who was underage.
Mr Ravendeer Rai, of Chalkstone Stores in Haverhill, pleaded guilty on Thursday at Bury Magistrates Court to a charge under the Licensing Act 2003.
Hayley Johnson, trading standards officer with Suffolk County Council, said; “The sum of money Mr Rai has to pay is a significant sign that trading standards will come down hard on anyone who is caught illegally selling alcohol.
“We had spoken to Mr Rai on several occasions and tried to help him by giving advice on training for his staff on restricted age products.
"We also advised on how to record incidents where those who are under age try to buy products illegally.
"Unfortunately Mr Rai could not prove he carried out the training for the member of staff who sold the alcohol and therefore a prosecution was brought against him."
Mr Rai was fined £1,500 for the sales of alcohol to someone who was underage and ordered to pay a further £1,100 costs.
Mr Ravendeer Rai, of Chalkstone Stores in Haverhill, pleaded guilty on Thursday at Bury Magistrates Court to a charge under the Licensing Act 2003.
Hayley Johnson, trading standards officer with Suffolk County Council, said; “The sum of money Mr Rai has to pay is a significant sign that trading standards will come down hard on anyone who is caught illegally selling alcohol.
“We had spoken to Mr Rai on several occasions and tried to help him by giving advice on training for his staff on restricted age products.
"We also advised on how to record incidents where those who are under age try to buy products illegally.
"Unfortunately Mr Rai could not prove he carried out the training for the member of staff who sold the alcohol and therefore a prosecution was brought against him."
Mr Rai was fined £1,500 for the sales of alcohol to someone who was underage and ordered to pay a further £1,100 costs.
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