Sewage leak from drain near school
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 23rd November 2000.

Albert Simkins, 69, lives at Blackmore Close, near to the path which runs under the town's Railway Walk and alongside the New Cangle Primary School.
Mr Simkins said he has been complaining about discharges onto the path but was particularly concerned that this time sewage was involved.
He feared it could create a health hazard for children and local residents.
"It has been like this for some considerable time but it was only this morning I realised it was sewage and not just water,
"I have reported it to the council and they said it was the responsibility of Anglian Water.
"I think it is about time they did something about it.
"They charge enough for our water rates and it is right on the school boundary.
"Every time we have really heavy rain it floods but I thought it was just excess water, not raw sewage.
"They did come and clear it up but the top of the drain does not look too secure, so I shall be monitoring it in future," Mr Simkins said.
A spokesman for Anglian Water said a blocked drain had been dealt with on a routine basis and it was now expected to operate normally and not cause any further problems.
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