Scouts and guides pack bags to raise cash for new HQ
Wednesday, 28th August 2013.

The town’s rainbows, brownies and guides along with beavers, cubs and scouts from both units were at Sainsbury’s Haverhill on Saturday as part of the group’s endeavours to raise around £100,000 for new huts at their Colne Valley Road headquarters.
Sainsbury’s Haverhill has chosen the appeal as its charity of the year, and the bag packing efforts managed to raise £1,125.
Shaun Gadsby, branch manager, said: “We choose a local charity each year with our customers voting for who they would like us to support, and the scouts and guides was one of the top two.
“They came down and presented to us what they wanted to do in terms of redesigning the buildings and improving the grounds, and as lots of our staff and customers either have children that are members or were themselves we chose to support the group.”
Sarah Lyons, district commissioner for Haverhill girlguiding, said: “We’re really thankful to Sainsbury’s for their help and the staff and customers that support us.
"We hope we can work together in the future for the benefit of over 300 children."
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