School students' Jubilee art on show at arts centre
Tuesday, 8th May 2012.

The 17 pieces have been created by students at schools in Haverhill and the surrounding villages in a project involving more than 700 children and young people.
They have been created using various techniques including collage, digital manipulation, marquetry, chalk and pencil work and painting.
Materials used include stamps, buttons, milk bottle tops, mod roc, cotton reels, fabrics, wood and even children’s plastic toys!
The exhibition forms part of a range of events and activities promoted by Haverhill Town Council to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.
Arts and leisure manager Nick Keeble said: "We are delighted by the quality of the exhibition. It is bright, colourful and makes you smile. The contributors range from two months to 17 years old and the different techniques and styles used are fascinating.
"Each group was simply asked to produce art inspired by the Jubilee – the only constraint was the size of the finished work. We hope that many people will visit the Arts Centre to see the exhibition over the next month."
The project has been so successful that Haverhill Arts Centre is considering making a schools exhibition an annual event.
Those participating in the project were Castle Manor Business and Enterprise College, Clements Primary School, Coupals Primary School, Kedington Primary School, Samuel Ward Academy, St Felix Roman Catholic Primary School, Thurlow Primary School, Wickhambrook Primary School and a craft group who meet at Haverhill Library.
Each school received a certificate from Haverhill Mayor, Cllr Maureen Byrne, giving 'A Right Royal Thank You’ for taking part.
A programme of events and activities from June 1-7 will be released next week featuring a matinee show celebrating 60 years of music and fun, a schools concert and a tribute night, an indoor street party, a beacon and a community picnic on the Chalkstone estate.
Funding for the Jubilee events has been sourced from Haverhill Town Council, St Edmundsbury Borough Council and the One Haverhill Community Grants Fund.
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